首届“国际青年学者地大论坛”娱乐城论坛 分会场
《Recoverable resources of natural gas hydrates in the global energy mix in the coming decade》
10:30-11:45,张彦成《Heinrich stadial 1 (18-15 ka) 期间大洋温盐环流减弱对南美洲气候的调控》
《Impact of AMOC slowdown on South American climate during Heinrich stadial》
柯伟(挪威籍),安徽池州人,1986年生。华中科大生物信息本科(2007),挪威东南大学能源环境硕士(2009),斯塔万格大学石油工程博士(2016)。曾任威德福与哈里伯顿北欧总部高级PVT与石油增产工程师。主要研究天然气水合物生长机制,在国际知名期刊有多篇高水平学术论文发表。Wei Ke, born in 1986 inChizhou, Anhui, P.R.C. Achieved BSc. in Bioinformatics in 2007 from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, MSc. in Energy and Environmental Technology in 2009 from University of Southeast Norway, and Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering in 2016 from University of Stavanger, Norway. Has taken Senior PVT engineer and Production Enhancement engineer positions at Weatherford and Halliburton Scandinavia, respectively. Main research areas include natural gas hydrate nucleation & growth, kinetic hydrate inhibitor studies, and hydrate-based engineering applications, with results published in renowned international journals.
张彦成, 博士, 2016年9月毕业于德国不莱梅大学海洋地质专业, 方向为古气候与古海洋学。他主要研究大洋温盐环流在千年尺度上的快速变化及其对全球气候系统的影响, 相关成果已发表在EPSL, Scientific Reports,Climate of the Past等国际学术期刊。Yancheng Zhang received his PhD degree in marine geology at MARUM, University of Bremen (Germany) in September 2016. He works on the influence of millennial-scale slowdowns in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) on South American climate, in particular during Heinrich and Dansgaard-Oeschgerstadials. His PhD study provided clear pictures of oceanic circulation change in western equatorial Atlantic and regional feature of South American precipitation during HS1. Combining a set of sensitivity climate model experiments, they also reported a new mechanism by which the significantly weakened AMOC caused wet conditions along the Amazonian Andes during Heinrich stadials.