宫勋,男,1984年出生,博士,教授,博士生导师,娱乐城论坛 副院长兼未来技术院副院长
2020年—至今,娱乐城论坛-棋牌游戏论坛 ,教授,博士生导师
Cao H., Liu G., Huo J.,Gong X.*, Wang Y., Zhao Z. and Xu D. (2023). Multi factors-PredRNN based significant wave height prediction in the Bohai, Yellow, and East China Seas.Front. Mar. Sci.10:1197145
Liu, J., Wang, Y., Jaccard, S.L., Wang, N.,Gong, X., Fang, N. and Bao, R. (2023). Pre-aged terrigenous organic carbon biases ocean ventilation-age reconstructions in the North Atlantic.Nature communications, 14(1), p.3788.
Dong, J., Shi, X.,Gong, X.(共同一作), Astakhov, A.S., Hu, L., Liu, X., Yang, G., Wang, Y., Vasilenko, Y., Qiao, S. and Bosin, A. (2021). Enhanced Arctic sea ice melting controlled by larger heat discharge of mid-Holocene rivers.Nature Communications13, 5368.
Zhang, S., Yu, Z., Wang, Y.,Gong, X., Holbourn, A., Chang, F., Liu, H., Cheng, X. and Li, T. (2022). Thermal coupling of the Indo-Pacific warm pool and Southern Ocean over the past 30,000 years.Nature Communications, 13(1), p.5457.
Meng, S.,Gong, X.*, Yu, Y., Yao, X., Gong, X., Lu, K., Zhang, C., Shi, J., Yu, X. and Gao, H. (2021). Strengthened ocean-desert process in the North Pacific over the past two decades.Environmental Research Letters, 16(2), p.024034.
Gong, X., Liu, H., Wang, F. and Heuzé, C. 2022. Of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in the CMIP6 Project.Deep Sea Research Part II, 206, p.105193.
Zhang, S., Yu, Z.,Gong, X., Wang, Y., Chang, F., Lohmman, G., Qi, Y. and Li, T., (2021). Precession cycles of the El Niño/Southern oscillation-like system controlled by Pacific upper-ocean stratification.Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), pp.1-10.
Starr A., I. R. Hall, S. Barker, T. Rackow, X. Zhang, S. R. Hemming, H. J. Lubbe, G. Knorr, M. A. Berke, G. R. Bigg, A. Cartagena-Sierra, F. J. Jiménez-Espejo,X. Gong, Jens G. N. Lathika, L. J. LeVay, R. S. Robinson, M. Ziegler (2021). Antarctic icebergs reorganize ocean circulation during Pleistocene glacials,Nature, 589(7841), 236-241.
Gong, X., Lembke-Jene, L., Lohmann, G., Knorr, G., Tiedemann, R., Zou, J.J. and Shi, X.F. (2019). Enhanced North Pacific deep-ocean stratification by stronger intermediate water formation during Heinrich Stadial 1.Nature communications, 10(1), p.656.
Knorr, G., Barker, S., Zhang, X., Lohmann, G.,Gong, X., Gierz, P., Stepanek, C. and Stap, L.B. (2021). A salty deep ocean as a prerequisite for glacial termination.Nature Geoscience, 14(12), pp.930-936.
Lembke-Jene, L., Tiedemann, R., Nürnberg, D.,Gong, X.and Lohmann, G. (2018). Rapid shift and millennial-scale variations in Holocene North Pacific Intermediate Water ventilation.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), p.201714754.
Barker, S., J. Chen,X. Gong, L. Jonkers, G. Knorr and D. Thornalley (2015). Icebergs not the trigger for North Atlantic cold events.Nature, 520, 333-336.
Gong, X., X. D. Zhang, G. Lohmann, W. Wei, X. Zhang and M. Pfeiffer (2015). Higher Laurentide and Greenland ice sheets strengthen the North Atlantic ocean circulation.Climate Dynamics, 45, 139-150.
Gong, X., G. Knorr, G. Lohmann, and X. Zhang (2013). Dependence of abrupt Atlantic meridional ocean circulation changes on climate background states.Geophysical Research Letters,40, 3698-3704.
2024年-至今,中国海洋学会人工智能海洋学专业委员会 常务委员
2024年-至今,国际数字地球学会中国国家委员会数字极地专业委员会 委员
2023年-至今,青岛市人工智能海洋技术创新中心专家委员会 委员
2021年-至今,中国水资源战略研究会海洋专业委员会 秘书长
2021年-至今,中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第十届理事会-海洋地球化学专业委员会 委员
2020年-至今,国际海洋物理科学协会中国委员会 秘书长