赵恩金(Dr. Enjin Zhao),男,博士,特任教授,博士生导师。目前主要从事海洋环境与资源开发方面的教学与科研工作,主要研究兴趣包括:海洋工程与环境效应、海洋及河流水环境动力分析、海洋结构物冲刷及动力响应分析、深海矿产开采、深度学习在海洋领域应用等。
• 2021年6月-至今:娱乐城论坛-棋牌游戏论坛 特任教授;
• 2017年7月-2021年5月:娱乐城论坛-棋牌游戏论坛 讲师;
• 2015年9月-2016年9月:美国纽约市立大学城市学院土木工程系,访问博士生;
• 2012年9月-2017年6月:中国海洋大学工程学院(硕博连读),获博士学位;
• 2008年9月-2012年6月:中国海洋大学工程学院,获学士学位;
•E.J. Zhao, Y.X. Wu, F.Y. Jiang*, Y. Wang, Z.Y. Zhang, C.H. Nie, 2024. Numerical investigation on the influence of the complete tsunami-like wave on the tandem pipeline. Ocean Engineering, 294, 116697.
•F.Y. Jiang, E.J. Zhao*, 2024. Damage mechanism and failure risk analysis of offshore pipelines subjected to impact loads from falling object, considering the soil variability. Marine Structures, 93, 103544.
•Y.K. Dong, E.J. Zhao*, L. Cui, Y.Z. Li, Y. Wang, 2023. Dynamic Performance of Suspended Pipelines with Permeable Wrappers under Solitary Waves. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(10), 1872.
•F.Y. Jiang, E.J. Zhao*, 2023. Development of a hybrid cost-based risk integrity assessment model for burst failure of pipeline systems with interacting corrosion defects. Ocean Engineering, 284, 115154.
•E.J. Zhao, H. Qin*, L. Mu, 2023. Special Issue on Advances in Applied Marine Sciences and Engineering. Applied Sciences, 13(13), 7875.
•Z.Y. Zhang, C.H. Pan, J. Zeng, F.Y., Chen, H. Qin, K. He, K. Zhu, E.J. Zhao*, 2022. Hydrodynamics of tidal bore overflow on the spur dike and its influence on the local scour. Ocean Engineering, 266(4), 113140.
•H. Qin, J.Q. Wang, E.J. Zhao*, L. Mu, 2022. Numerical study of rogue wave forces on flat decks based on the Peregrine breather solution under finite water depth. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 114: 103744.
•E.J. Zhao*, X.Y. Xia, F.Y. Jiang, H.W. Tu, 2022. Effect of porous media on wake-induced vibration (WIV) in tandem circular cylinder. Ocean Engineering, 249, 110900.
•E.J. Zhao*, X.Y. Xia, J. Gao, F.Y. Jiang, X. Chen, R.L. Liu, 2022. Performance of coastal circular bridge pier under joint action of solitary wave and sea current. Ocean Engineering, 250, 111033.
•F.Y. Jiang, E.J. Zhao*, 2022. An integrated risk analysis model for corroded pipelines subjected to internal pressures: Considering the interacting effects. Ocean Engineering, 247, 110683.
•E.J. Zhao, L. Mu*, Z.Y. Hu, X.Q. Wang, J.K. Sun, Z.Y. Zhang, 2021. Physical and Numerical Investigations on Wave Run-Up and Dissipation under Breakwater with Fence Revetment. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(12), 1355.
•E.J. Zhao, Y.K. Dong*, Y.Z. Tang, L. Cui, 2021. Numerical study on hydrodynamic load and vibration of pipeline exerted by submarine debris flow. Ocean Engineering, 239, 109754.
•Y.Z. Tang, Y. Wang*, E.J. Zhao*, J.J. Yi, K.C. Feng, H.B. Wang, W.H., Wang, 2021. Study on Hydrodynamic Characteristics and Environmental Response in Shantou Offshore Area. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(8), 912.
•E.J. Zhao, L. Mu, H.Y. Jiang*, 2021. Amphidromic Lines in the Atmosphere: An Example of Global Pressure Field Annual Harmonic. Earth and Space Science, 8(4), e2021EA001638.
•E.J. Zhao*, Y.K. Dong, Y.Z. Tang, X.Y. Xia, 2021. Performance of submerged semi-circular breakwater under solitary wave in consideration of porous media. Ocean Engineering, 223, 108573.
•E.J. Zhao, Y.K. Dong*, Y.Z. Tang, J.K. Sun, 2021. Numerical investigation of hydrodynamic characteristics and local scour mechanism around submarine pipelines under joint effect of solitary waves and currents. Ocean Engineering, 222, 108553.
•赵飞达, 王在峰, 宋积文, 孙均楷, 董友扣, 赵恩金*, 2021. 低雷诺数下海底悬空子母管线绕流特性研究, 海洋湖沼通报, 2021, 43(6), 34-42.
•孙均楷, 赵恩金*, 拾兵, 2021. 孤立波作用下海底管道受力的CFD分析. 海洋湖沼通报, 2021, 43(5), 17-24.
•E.J. Zhao, J.K. Sun, Y.Z. Tang, L. Mu*, Haoyu Jiang*, 2020. Numerical investigation of tsunami wave impacts on different coastal bridge decks using immersed boundary method. •Ocean Engineering, 201, 107132.
•E.J. Zhao, Y.Z. Tang, J. Shao, L. Mu*, 2020. Numerical Analysis of Hydrodynamics around Submarine Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM) under Tsunami-like Wave. IEEE Access, 7, 178903-178917.
•E.J. Zhao, J.K. Sun, H.Y. Jiang, L. Mu*, 2019. Numerical study on the hydrodynamic characteristics and responses of moored floating marine cylinders under real-world tsunami-like waves. IEEE Access, 7, 122435-122458.
•E.J. Zhao, L. Mu*, H. Qin, H.Y. Jiang, 2019. Study on dynamic slope angle of sandy seabed around the submarine piggyback pipeline in steady flow. Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology, 20(5), 324-336.
•E.J. Zhao, K. Qu, L. Mu*, 2019. Numerical study of morphological response of the sandy bed after tsunami-like wave overtopping an impermeable seawall. Ocean Engineering, 186, 106076.
•E.J. Zhao, K. Qu, L. Mu*, S. Kraatz, B. Shi, 2019. Numerical Study on the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Submarine Pipelines under the Impact of Real-World Tsunami-Like Waves. Water, 11(2), 221.
•赵恩金, 徐照研*, 潘新颖, 梁丙臣, 2019. 人工沙滩与潜堤结合岸滩防护工程数值研究. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 49(6), 119-125.
•E.J. Zhao, B. Shi, K. Qu*, W.B. Dong, J. Zhang, 2018. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Local Scour around Submarine Piggyback Pipeline under Steady Currents. Journal of Ocean University of China, 17(2), 244-256.
•E.J. Zhao, L. Mu, K. Qu*, B. Shi, X.Y. Ren, C.B. Jiang, 2018. Numerical investigation of pollution transport and environmental improvement measures in a tidal bay based on a Lagrangian particle-tracking model. Water Science and Engineering, 11(1), 23-38.
•赵恩金, 拾兵*, 曹坤, 2016. 导流板对海底管线涡激振动的影响. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 37(3), 320-325.
•赵恩金, 拾兵*, 张靖, 刘静, 2014. 唐岛湾水动力交换与强化措施的数值研究. 海洋湖沼通报, 3, 44-50.
•Enjin Zhao, Lin Mu, Hao Qin. Advances in Applied Marine Sciences and Engineering. MDPI Publisher, 2023. ISBN: 978-3-0365-8208-5.
•Lin Mu*, Enjin Zhao. Chapter 11 The Optimization of Maritime Search and Rescue Simulation System Based on CPS. Big Data Analytics for Cyber-Physical Systems. Springer Publisher. 2020. ISBN: 978-3-030-43493-6.
•牟林, 宋军, 赵恩金. 港口航运海洋环境信息保障技术及应用. 电子工业出版社, 2017. ISBN: 978-7-121-32781-0.
•赵恩金, 姜逢源, 卢洪超, 陈少庆. 海洋工程流体力学实验指导书. 中国地质大学出版社, 2023. ISBN: 978-7-5625.
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