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卢洪超(Dr.Lu Hongchao),男,博士,特任教授,1988年生


Ø 202210至今,中国地质大学(武汉),娱乐城论坛 ,特任教授

Ø 20194—20229月,华南理工大学,船舶与海洋工程系,博士后,助理研究员

Ø 20159—20191月,中国海洋大学,港口、海岸及近海工程,工学博士

Ø 20129—20156月,中国海洋大学,港口、海岸及近海工程,工学硕士

Ø 20089—20126月,中国海洋大学,生态学,理学学士


Ø 海洋工程结构动力特性研究

Ø 工程结构健康监测

Ø 漂浮式风机结构运动响应分析


Ø 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,深水浮式平台的状态空间模型耦合运动响应快速预报方法研究,520011262021.01-2023.1230万元,项目负责人

Ø 广东省国际合作计划项目,基于运动分析预报的海上风电运维船主动波浪补偿栈桥关键技术研究,2022A05050500272022.01-2023.1250万元,项目负责人

Ø 浙江省深远海风电技术研究重点实验室开放基金项目,大型海上电气平台结构损伤识别及健康评估方法研究,ZOE20210022022.04- 2023.0930万元,项目负责人

Ø 广东省重点领域研发计划项目,海上风电运维六自由度登乘系统研发与应用示范,2021B07070400022021.08-2024.08500万元,课题负责人

Ø 广东省自然资源厅科技项目,深远海高性能海上风电运维船与核心装备研发与应用示范,GDNRC[2021]392021.04-2023.042000万元,项目骨干

Ø 广东省重点领域研发项目,大型海洋构筑物损伤检测与修复智能作业装备研制及应用示范,2020B11110100012020.07-2023.071000万元,主要参与人

Ø 广东省海洋经济发展重点项目,浮式海上风电平台全耦合动态分析及其装置研发,GDME-2018B0032019.01-2020.12500万元,项目骨干

Ø 国家自然科学基金面上项目,海上浮式风机的新型主动式实时混合模型试验方法研究,520711452021.01-2024.1269万元,参与

Ø 广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目,基于波浪能PTO减摇控制的新概念漂浮式风机关键技术研究,2022.01-2025.12100万元,参与

Ø 广东省国际科技合作计划项目,南海近海浅水区域浮式风机锚泊系统的关键技术研究,2021A05050300062021.01-2022.1250万元,参与

Ø 科技服务项目,海上电气平台结构分析自动化规范校核后处理,202000472019.01-2020.1028万元,项目负责人

Ø 科技服务项目,大型海上变电站结构振动响应及监测点优化布置研究,202113112021.06-2022.0310.2万元,项目负责人


Ø Lu Hongchao, Chen Chaohe, Fan Tianhui, Sun Zhenzhou. Pole-residue method for dynamic response analysis of floating structures depending on decoupled Cummins equation. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 246: 110414.

Ø Lu Hongchao, Fan Tianhui, Chen Chaohe, Ma Yuan. Rapid decoupling Laplace-domain algorithm for dynamic response estimation of offshore structures with asymmetric system matrices. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 246: 110534.

Ø Lu Hongchao, Fan Tianhui, Li Xiaochen, Chen Chaohe. A rapid time-continuous response analysis algorithm for offshore structures by combination of modal superposition and complex exponential decomposition. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 234:109272.

Ø Lu Hongchao, Fan Tianhui, Zhou Lin*, Chen Chaohe*, Yu Guangming, Li Xiaochen, Hou Falei. A rapid response calculation method for symmetrical floating structures based on state-space model solving in hybrid time-Laplace domain. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 203:107227.

Ø Lu Hongchao, Tian Zhe, Zhou Lin, Liu Fushun. An improved time-domain response estimation method for floating structures based on rapid solution of state-space model. Ocean Engineering, 2019,173:628-642.

Ø Lu Hongchao, Chang Shuang, Chen Chaohe, Fan Tianhui, Chen Jiefeng. Replacement of force-to-motion relationship with state–space model for dynamic response analysis of floating offshore structures. Applied Ocean Research, 2021, 119: 102977.

Ø Liu Fushun, Lu Hongchao, Ji Chunyan. A general frequency-domain dynamic analysis algorithm for offshore structures with asymmetric matrices. Ocean Engineering, 2016,125:272-284.

Ø Liu Fushun, Lu Hongchao, Li Huajun. Dynamic analysis of offshore structures with non-zero initial conditions in the frequency domain. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016,366:309-324.

Ø Liu Fushun, Lu Hongchao, Wang Weiying. Periodic damage evaluation of aging offshore jackets based on continuous dynamic tests. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2014, 22(6):732-738.

Ø Zhang Jianhua, Lu Hongchao, Sun Ke. Dynamic response analysis for offshore structures by a combination of segmented responses based on pole-residue method. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 219:108277.

Ø Sun Zhenzhou, Lu Hongchao*, Chen Jiefeng, Jiao Jialong*. An efficient noise elimination method for non-stationary and non-linear signals by averaging decomposed components. Shock and Vibration, 2022, 2068218.

Ø Cui Ying*, Li Shixin, Qu Decai, Fan Xiaoyu, Lu Hongchao*. A new denoising preprocessing approach for image recognition by improved HOPFIELD neural network. International Journal of Robotics & Automation, 2021,36(6):383-391.

Ø Liu Fushun, Li Huajun, Lu Hongchao. Weak-mode identification and time-series reconstruction from high-level noisy measured data of offshore structures. Applied Ocean Research, 2016, 56:92-106.

Ø Wang Chao, Liu Fushun, Lu Hongchao. Mode Shape Identification Using Residues of Measured Data of Offshore Structures. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2017, 16 (2) :200-208.

Ø Ma Yuan, Chen Chaohe, Fan Tianhui, Lu Hongchao, Fang Jianhu. An innovative aerodynamic design methodology of wind turbine blade models for wind tunnel real-time hybrid tests based on genetic algorithm. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 257:111724.

Ø Liu Fushun, Qin Junfei, Li Huajun, Lu Hongchao, Wang Shunqing. An Improved Lower Order Method of Modal Parameter Estimation for Offshore Structures Using Reconstructed Signals. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2015, 14(6):969-974.

Ø Ma Yuan, Chen Chaohe, Fan Tianhui, Yan Xinkuan, Lu Hongchao. Research on motion inhibition method using an innovative type of mooring system for spar floating offshore wind turbine. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 223:108644.

Ø Wang Chao, Lu Hongchao*, Li Wei, Liu Fushun. Experimental Study of Mode Shapes Using the Residues of Measured Data. Proceeding ISOPE2016, 972-977.

Ø Lu Hongchao, Zhao Shengxiao, Qi Congshan, Liu Fushun, Li Ying, Zhu Binbin. Modal Parameter Identification of an Offshore Monopile Wind Turbine Excited by Ship and Environment Impact. Proceeding ISOPE2018.

Ø 李颖,卢洪超*,王滨,秦俊飞. 一种考虑海上风电支撑结构非零初始条件的动力响应计算方法. 太阳能学报, 2020, 41(3):59-64.

Ø 李颖,卢洪超*,周琳,陈文文,齐聪山,刘福顺. 一种基于极值-留数的高背景噪声测试信号降噪方法研究. 振动与冲击, 2019, 38(11):159-165.

Ø 袁建平, 孙震洲, 陈杰峰, 卢洪超*. 导管架式海上升压站初始条件下瞬态响应频域计算方法研究. 振动工程学报, 2022, 35(2):342-350.


Ø 一种适用于海洋浮式结构的动力响应求解方法. 樊天慧,卢洪超,陈超核,严心宽,马远,杜昱宏,周诗博,曾祥斌,林楚森. 国家发明专利,已授权,专利号:ZL202110780004.6

Ø 一种海上浮式风机主动式实时混合模型试验方法. 樊天慧,卢洪超,陈超核,严心宽,马远,杜昱宏,周诗博,曾祥斌,杨跃富. 国家发明专利,已授权,专利号:ZL202110870111.8

Ø 基于状态空间模型的浮式结构时域响应分析方法. 田哲,刘福顺,王睿敏,卢洪超,高树健,刘鹏,王许洁,齐聪山,崔高杰,周星宇,刘丽丽. 国家发明专利,已授权,专利号:ZL201810788119.8

Ø 非经典结构动力响应频域方法. 刘福顺,李华军,金磊,卢洪超,杨琪,曹锦超,侯法垒,陈杰峰,刘程程. 国家发明专利,已授权,专利号:ZL201610008351.6

Ø 海洋结构弱模态识别与时域重构方法. 李华军,刘福顺,刘程程,卢洪超,杨琪,曹锦超,侯法垒,金磊,陈杰峰. 国家发明专利,已授权,专利号:ZL201610008408.2


Ø 2019年科学技术进步奖二等奖,海上风电结构设计运维关键技术研究及应用,排名15,中华人民共和国教育部

Ø 2021年电力科技成果金苹果奖一等奖,海上风电结构多源融合设计方法与安全保障关键技术,排名9,中国电力技术市场协会

Ø 2016年博士研究生国家奖学金,中华人民共和国教育部


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