


浏览: 编辑: 来源: 时间:2015年08月06日 17:14


王舟(Dr. Zhou WANG)


娱乐城论坛-棋牌游戏论坛 海洋科学系



2006.09—2010.06 中国地质大学(武汉)地球科学学院地质学专业(国家理科基地班) 获理学学士学位

2010.09—2017.06 中国地质大学(武汉)地球科学学院地质学专业 获理学博士学位

2013.10—2015.10 获国家留学基金委(CSC)“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”资助在美国弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)地质系进行国家公派联合培养博士研究生学习


2017.07—2020.05 娱乐城论坛-棋牌游戏论坛 海洋科学博士后流动站 博士后研究人员(2018年7月初聘讲师职务)

2020.06至今 娱乐城论坛-棋牌游戏论坛 海洋科学系 特任副教授










4.海洋地质国家重点实验室2022年度开放课题基金“大洋钻探(IODP 311航次)沉积物早期成岩阶段甲烷循环地球化学特征及其古海洋碳循环意义”(MGK202206,2022.05—2024.04,经费9.62万)(主持)



7.中国地质大学(武汉)区域引导计划 2019 年度立项项目“鄂西聚磷区震旦系陡山沱组六水碳钙石假晶矿物的成因及其古气候意义”(CUGQY1939,2019.01—2019.12,经费5万)(主持)












1. Wang, Z., Chen, C., Wang, J.*, Suess, E., Chen, X., Ma, X., Wang, G., Xiao, S.*, 2020. Wide but not ubiquitous distribution of glendonite in the Doushantuo Formation, South China: Implications for Ediacaran climate. Precambrian Research, 338: 105586.

2. Wang, Z., Wang, J.*, Suess, E., Wang, G., Chen, C., Xiao, S.*, 2017. Silicified glendonites in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation (South China) and their potential paleoclimatic implications. Geology, 45 (2): 115–118.

3. Wang, Z., Wang, J.*, Kouketsu, Y., Bodnar, R. J., Gill, B. C., Xiao, S.*, 2017. Raman geothermometry of carbonaceous material in the basal Ediacaran Doushantuo cap dolostone: The thermal history of extremely negative δ13C signatures in the aftermath of the terminal Cryogenian snowball Earth glaciation. Precambrian Research, 298: 174–186.

4. Li, A.*, Wu, N., Li, Q., Wang, Z., Wan, Y., Cai, F., Sun, Z., Feng, D.*, 2023. Methane seepage caused by gas hydrate dissociation in the mid-Okinawa Trough since the Last Glacial Maximum. Geophysical Research Letters, 50: e2023GL103375.

5. Chen, C., Wang, J.*, Algeo, T.J., Zhu, J.-M., Wang, Z., Ma, X., Cen, Y., 2023. Sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane inferred from trace-element chemistry and nickel isotopes of pyrite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 349: 81–95.

6. Cen, Y., Wang, J.*, Algeo, T.J., Wang, Z., Ma, X., Chen, C., 2023. Methane release effects on foraminiferal tests in northern South China Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10.

7. Ma, X., Wang, J.*, Algeo, T.J., Wang, Z., Cen, Y., Chen, C., Chen, D., Lu, J., Yang, Y., 2023. U-Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Datangpo Formation, South China: Implications for Sturtian deglaciation age and Nanhua stratal provenance. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 617: 111494.

8. Ma, X., Wang, J.*, Wang, Z., Algeo, T.J., Chen, C., Cen, Y., Yin, Q.-Z., Huang, C., Xu, L., Huang, C., Chen, D., 2023. Geochronological constraints on Cryogenian ice ages: Zircon U-Pb ages from a shelf section in South China. Global and Planetary Change, 222: 104071.

9. Cen, Y., Wang, J.*, Ding, X., Stow, D., Wang, Z., Chen, C., Ma, X., 2022. Tracing the methane events by stable carbon isotopes of benthic foraminifera at glacial periods in the Andaman Sea. Journal of Earth Science, 33: 1571–1582.

10. Chang, B., Huang, J.*, Algeo, T.J., Pancost, R.D., Wan, X., Xue, Y., Jia, J., Wang, Z., Hu, J., Wang, J., Wang, S., Wu, J., Xie, S.*, 2022. Episodic massive release of methane during the mid-Cretaceous greenhouse. GSA Bulletin, 134: 2958–2970.

11. Liu, J., Pellerin, A., Wang, J.*, Rickard, D., Antler, G., Zhao, J., Wang, Z., Jørgensen, B.B., Ono, S., 2022. Multiple sulfur isotopes discriminate organoclastic and methane-based sulfate reduction by sub-seafloor pyrite formation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 316: 309–330.

12. Chen, C., Wang, J.*, Wang, Z., Peng, Y., Chen, X., Ma, X., Cen, Y., Zhao, J., Zhou, P., 2020. Variation of chemical index of alteration (CIA) in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation and its environmental implications. Precambrian Research, 347: 105829.

13. Chen, C., Wang, J.*, Algeo, T.J., Chen, X., Wang, Z., Ma, X., Cen, Y., Zhao, J., 2020. New evidence for compaction-driven vertical fluid migration into the Upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) Guanyinqiao bed of south China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 550: 109746.

14. Wang, M., Li, Q.*, Cai, F.*, Liang, J., Yan, G., Wang, Z., Sun, Y., Luo, D., Dong, G., Cao, Y., 2019. Formation of authigenic carbonates at a methane seep site in the middle Okinawa Trough, East China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 185: 104028.

15. Liu, J., Izon, G., Wang, J.*, Antler, G., Wang, Z., Zhao, J., Egger, M., 2018. Vivianite formation in methane-rich deep-sea sediments from the South China Sea. Biogeosciences, 15: 6329–6348.

16. Wang, G., Wang, J.*, Wang, Z., Chen, C., Wang, J.X., 2017. Carbon isotope gradient of the Ediacaran cap carbonate in the Shennongjia area and its implications for ocean stratification and paleogeography. Journal of Earth Science, 28(2): 187–195.

17. Chen, C., Wang, J.*, Algeo, T. J., Wang, Z., Tu, S., Wang, G., Yang, J., 2017. Negative δ13Ccarb shifts in Upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) Guanyinqiao Bed of South China linked to diagenetic carbon fluxes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 487: 430–446.

18. Xie, L., Wang, J.*, Wu, N., Wu, D., Wang, Z., Zhu, X., Hu, J., Chen, H., Lin, Q., 2013. Characteristics of authigenic pyrites in shallow core sediments in the Shenhu area of the northern South China Sea: Implications for a possible mud volcano environment. Science China Earth Sciences, 56(4): 541–548.

19. Hu, J., Wang, J.*, Chen, H., Wang, Z., Xie, L., Lin, Q., 2012. Multiple cycles of glacier advance and retreat during the Nantuo (Marinoan) glacial termination in the Three Gorges area. Frontiers of Earth Science, 6(1): 101–108.

20. 马晓晨、王家生*、陈粲、王舟。华北房山景儿峪组顶部古风化壳常量元素地球化学特征及其古气候意义。地球科学,2018,43(11):3853–3872.

21. 王家生*、林杞、李清、陆红锋、王舟、孙飞。海洋沉积物中AOM成因的自生矿物及其对深时地球古海洋甲烷事件的启示。第四纪研究,2015,35(6):1383–1392.

22. 谢蕾、王家生*、吴能友、邬黛黛、王舟,等。南海北部神狐海域浅表层沉积物中自生黄铁矿及其泥火山指示意义。中国科学:地球科学,2013,43(3):351–359.

23. 王家生*、王舟、胡军,等。华南新元古代“盖帽”碳酸盐岩中甲烷渗漏事件的综合识别特征。地球科学,2012,37(增刊2):14–22.

24. 涂珅、王舟、王家生*。宜昌王家湾组奥陶系观音桥组高分辨率碳、氧稳定同位素记录及其成因。地球科学,2012,37(增刊2):165–174.



2.口头报告:Tepee structures of the late Ediacaran Dengying Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area, South China and their implications for glacioeustatic sea level change. 第三届国际地球生物学会议(ICG 2014),武汉,2014年6月

3.展板报告:Microbial mat structures in the basal Ediacaran Doushantuo cap dolostone from the Yangtze Gorges area of South China and their environmental implications. 美国地球物理学会秋季年会(AGU 2014),旧金山,2014年12月



6.口头报告:Methane-derived carbon isotope signals in the basal Ediacaran Doushantuo cap dolostone (South China) and their paragenetic context. 第四届国际地球生物学会议(ICG 2017),武汉,2017年6月


8.口头报告:Glendonite occurrence in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China. 国际地球科学计划(IGCP)630项目专题研讨会,武汉,2018年5月

9.口头报告:Widespread occurrence across the shelf and stratigraphic correlation of glendonite in the Doushantuo Formation, South China. 第五届全国青年地学论坛,南京,2018年10月

10.口头报告:Widespread occurrence across the shelf and stratigraphic correlation of glendonite in the Doushantuo Formation, South China. 国际地球科学计划(IGCP)648项目专题研讨会,宜昌,2018年11月

11.口头报告:Widespread occurrences of glendonite in the Doushantuo Formation, South China: Implication for Ediacaran climate change and stratigraphic correlation. 美国地质学会年会(GSA 2019),菲尼克斯,2019年9月

12.口头报告:Wide but not ubiquitous distribution of glendonite in the Doushantuo Formation, South China: Implications for Ediacaran climate. 第七届南北地大前寒武纪研究学术研讨会,武汉,2019年12月



1. 中国地质大学(武汉)本科毕业论文优秀指导教师奖(2022年度)

2. 中国地质大学(武汉)优秀实习指导老师奖(2022年度)

3. 湖北省科学技术奖:自然科学奖三等奖(2022年度)(排名第2)

4. 中国地质大学(武汉)优秀博士学位论文奖(2017年度)

5. 湖北省优秀学士学位论文奖(2010年度)


受邀为Geology、Geobiology、Global and Planetary Change、Precambrian Research、Marine Petroleum Geology、Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology、Journal of Earth Science、地球科学等国内外专业学术期刊审稿。



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