2021年—至今,娱乐城论坛-棋牌游戏论坛 任教,特任副教授
Researchgate |//www.researchgate.net/profile/Jie-He-58
He, J.,Garzanti, E., Jiang, T., Barbarano, M., Liu, E., Chen, S.,Liao, Y., Li, X.,Wang, H.,2023. Evolution of eastern Asia river systems reconstructed by the mineralogy and detrital-zircon geochronology of modern Red River and coastal Vietnam river sand.Earth-Science Reviews, 104572.
He, J.,Garzanti, E., Cao, L., Wang, H., 2020. The zircon story of the Pearl River (China) from Cretaceous to present.Earth-Science Reviews201, 103078.
He, J.,Garzanti, E., Dinis, P., Yang, S., Wang, H., 2020. Provenance versus weathering control on sediment composition in tropical monsoonal climate (South China) - 1. Geochemistry and clay mineralogy.Chemical Geology558, 119860.
He, J.,Wang, H., Tang, J., Shangguan, Y., Yang, X., Gong, Y., Zhao, R., Zhou, X., 2020. Evaluation of lacustrine mudstone top sealing capacity in the Lenghu-5 area, Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering188, 106973.
He, J.,Qin, C.,Liao, Y.,Jiang,T.,Liu, E.,Chen, S.,Wang, H., 2024.Development of an Extensional FaultSystem and Its Control on Syn-RiftSedimentation: Insights from 3DSeismic Interpretation of the WeixinanDepression, Northern South ChinaSea. Journal ofMarineScience andEngineering,12, 1392. //doi.org/10.3390/jmse12081392.
He, J.,Wang, H., Zhang, C., Yang, X., Shangguan, Y., Zhao, R., Gong, Y., and Wu, Z., 2019. A comprehensive analysis of the sedimentology, petrography, diagenesis and reservoir quality of sandstones from the Oligocene Xiaganchaigou (E3) Formation in the Lengdong area, Qaidam Basin, China:Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology9, 953-969.
He, J.,Garzanti, E., Jiang, T., Barbarano, M., Resentini, A., Liu, E., Chen, S., Shi, G., Wang, H.,2022. Mineralogy and geochemistry of modern Red River sediments (North Vietnam): Provenance and weathering implications.Journal of Sedimentary Research,92(12), 1169-1185.
He, J.,Wang, H., Jiang, T., Liu, E., Chen, S., Jiang, P., 2022. Sedimentary Characteristics of Lacustrine Beach-Bars and Their Formation in the Paleogene Weixinan Sag of Beibuwan Basin, Northern South China Sea.Energies, 15, 3391.
Garzanti,E.,He, J.,Barbarano, M., Resentini, A., Li, C., Yang, L., Yang, S., Wang, H., 2020.Provenance versus weathering control on sediment composition in monsoonal subtropical climate (South China) - 2. Sand petrology and heavy minerals.Chemical Geology, 119997.
Gong, Y., Pease, V., Wang, H., Gan, H., Liu, E., Ma, Q., Zhao, S.,He, J.,2021.Evolution of a rift basin: provenance of the middle Eocene-lower Oligocene strata of the Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea from detrital zircon.Sedimentary Geology419,105908.
Yang, X., Yan, D., Zhang, B., Zhang, L., Wei, X., Li, T., He, J., Shangguan, Y., Zhang, M., She, X., 2020. The depositional mechanism of organic-rich siliceous shales in Upper Yangtze area: Response to the Kwangsian Orogeny in South China.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 107310.
Zhao, Y., Wang, H., Yan, D., Jiang, P., Chen, S., Zhou, J., Ma, J., Qin, C., He, J., Zhao, Y., 2020. Sedimentary characteristics and model of gravity flows in the eocene Liushagang Formation in Weixi'nan depression, South China Sea.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering190, 107082.
Yang, X., Yan, D., Li, T., Zhang, L., Zhang, B., He, J., Fan, H., Shangguan, Y., 2019. Oceanic environment changes caused the Late Ordovician extinction: evidence from geochemical and Nd isotopic composition in the Yangtze area, South China.Geological Magazine, 1-15.
Liang, C., Xie, X., Wang, H., Zhong, G., Liu, E., Sun, M., Yi, H., Qin, C., Cao, H., He, J.,Zhao, Y., 2019. Effects of igneous bodies on modification of modern slope morphology: Insights from the continental slope offshore Dongsha Islands, South China Sea.Acta Oceanologica Sinica38(5), 109-117.
Zhao, R., Chen, S., Wang, H., Yan, D., Cao, H., Gong, Y., He, J., Wu, Z., 2019. Paleogene sedimentation changes in Lenghu Area, Qaidam Basin in response to the India–Eurasia collision.International Journal of Earth Sciences108(1), 27-48.
Yang, X., Yan, D., Wei, X., Zhang, L., Zhang, B., Xu H., Gong, Y., He, J., 2018. Different formation mechanism of quartz in siliceous and argillaceous shales: A case study of Longmaxi Formation in South China.Marine and Petroleum Geology, 80-94.
何杰,王华, Garzanti.砂岩(砂)的岩相分析和分类标准.地球科学,2020,45(06):2186-2198.
He, J., Wang, H., Yan, D. Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of Lengdong Area, Qaidam Basin, China,September 6-9 2019, AAPG|SEG International Conference & Exhibition, Cancun, Mexico.(oral presentation)
He, J., Wang, H., Yan, D. Liu, E., Qin, C., Zhao, Y. Sedimentary Characteristics of Lacustrine Beach-bars and Their Formation in the Palaeogene Weixinan Depression of Beibuwan Basin, Northern South China Sea, April 8-13 2018, General Assembly 2018 of the EuropeanGeosciences Union, Austria, Vienna.(poster presentation)
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