


浏览: 编辑: 来源: 时间:2016年08月25日 11:55

姜涛(Dr. Tao JIANG),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,1979年出生



420057至今,中国地质大学(武汉)任教,现任娱乐城论坛 副院长、海洋地质资源湖北省重点实验室常务副主任














Ø 国家自然科学基金面上项目“Naturaliste海台基底玄武岩中碳酸盐岩脉特征及其对冈瓦纳大陆裂解过程的制约”(2023-2026年,在研,负责人)

Ø 国家自然科学基金面上项目海绵骨针释光年代学探索及其对晚更新世以来南极绕极流演化的制约2020-2023年,在研,负责人)

Ø 中海油海南分公司项目琼东南盆地深水中深层源-汇体系、沉积体系研究与大型岩性圈闭预测2021-2023年,在研,负责人)

Ø 中海油湛江分公司协作项目“涠西南、乌石凹陷岩性圈闭成因与有效性识别技术”(2022-2024年,在研,负责人)

Ø 广州海洋地质调查局协作项目运移通道物模实验参数数值模拟2021-2023年,在研,负责人)

Ø 中石化上海分公司项目西湖凹陷冷泉亭及周边沉积体系及有利储层分布2021-2022年,在研,技术首席)

Ø 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(广州)人才团队引进重大专项课题琼东南盆地天然气水合物储层特征及富集机理2020-2022年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室开放基金项目南海北部深水沉积水动力学模拟研究2018-2020年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 国家油气重大专项子课题莺琼盆地中新统储层空间展布和发育机制研究2016-2019年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 广州海洋地质调查局协作项目基于沉积水动力学及地震地貌学的水合物储层刻画技术应用2019年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 广东省地质调查院协作项目珠江三角洲基底断裂探查研究光释光分析,(2019-2020年,已结题,负责人);

Ø 国家自然科学基金面上项目南海中央海盆重力流沉积物来源及沉积过程研究2015-2018年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 广州海洋地质调查局协作项目神狐先导区天然气水合物优质储层空间展布及成藏机理2018年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 广州海洋地质调查局外协项目琼西南海域晚更新世三角洲物质来源及释光年代学约束2017-2018年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 国家自然科学基金重大计划《南海深部过程演化》之集成项目南海深海沉积定量重建及其对洋盆扩张过程的启示2016-2018年,已结题,骨干成员)

Ø 国家油气重大专项子课题南海西北部深水区裂后期沉积体系研究和海底扇评价2011-2015年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目晚更新世以来南海海槽重力流沉积事件及其对地震和板块俯冲过程的响应2009-2011年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 国家自然科学基金面上项目日本南海海槽俯冲增生楔前缘的构造变形分析兼与马尼拉俯冲带的对比2009-2011年,已结题,骨干成员)

Ø 教育部科技项目留学回国人员科研启动基金琼东南盆地与日本南海海槽重力流沉积特征比较沉积学研究2012-2013年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 国际大洋发现计划IODP国际合作项目南海中央海盆重力流沉积物源研究2014-2017年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 中海油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司项目宝岛~长昌凹陷构造演化及其对沉积充填的控制研究2016-2017年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 广州海洋地质调查局外协项目太阳盆地原型盆地分析2015-2016年,2015GMGS-DK290,已结题,负责人)

Ø 广州海洋地质调查局外协项目马尼拉俯冲带形成演化研究2013-2015年,No.2013GMGS-DK-53,已结题,负责人)

Ø 中海油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司外协项目莺歌海盆地大乐东区水道演化及优质储层预测研究2013-2014年,No.CCL2013ZJFN0701,已结题,负责人)

Ø 中央高校基本科研业务费摇篮计划项目深海沉积物光释光定年技术研究2010-2012年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 综合大洋钻探计划(IODP)之南海海槽发震带试验计划316航次岩芯-测井-地震综合解释(2007-2009 年,已结题,负责人)

Ø 中海石油(中国)有限公司深圳分公司协作项目白云凹陷北坡陆架折带地层岩性圈闭2015-2016年, 已结题,第二负责人)

Ø 南海海域地震大剖面调查项目南海南、北大陆边缘盆地构造演化对比研究2010-2011年, 已结题,第二负责人)

Ø “973”项目子课题南海北部莺歌海-琼东南盆地形成演化与高温高压成藏机理2009-2011年,已结题,第二负责人)

Ø 南海南部深水油气资源潜力研究与战略选区项目南海南部主要沉积盆地构造格架与形成机制2009-2010年,已结题,第二负责人)

Ø 中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司协作项目琼东南盆地碎屑岩重力流沉积体系及沉积机理研究2008-2009年,已结题,第二负责人)


v Cao, L., Shao, L*., Hinsbergen, D.J., Jiang, T*., Xu, D., Cui, Y. 2022. Provenance and evolution of East Asian large rivers recorded in the East and South China Seas: A Review. The Geological Society of America Bulletin, // 10.1130/B36559.1

v Cheng, C., Kuang, Z.*, Jiang, T.*, Cao, L., Ren, J., Liang, J., Lai, H., Chen, Z., Xiong, P., Chen, Y., Li, T. 2022. Source of the sand-rich gas hydrate reservoir in the northern South China Sea: Insights from detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology and seismic geomorphology. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 145, 105904

v Ren, J., Cheng, C., Xiong, P., Kuang, Z., Liang, J., Lai, H., Chen, Z., Chen, Y., Li, T., Jiang, T.*. Sand-rich gas hydrate and shallow gas systems in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, 215, 110630.

v Miluch, J., Maciąg, L., Osadczuk, A., Harff, J., Jiang, T., Chen, H., Borówka, R.K., McCartney, K. 2022. Multivariate geostatistical modeling of seismic data: Case study of the Late Pleistocene paleodelta architecture (SW off-shore Hainan Island, South China Sea). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 136, 105467.

v He, J., Wang, H., Jiang, T., Liu, E.T., Chen, S., Jiang, P. Sedimentary characteristics of Lacustrine Beach-Bars and Their Formation in the Paleogene Weixinan Sag of Beibuwan Basin, Northern South China Sea. Energies, 2022, 15, 3391. //

v He, Y*, Kuang, Z., Cheng, C., Jiang, T., Zhang, C., Lu, B., Yang, C., Liu, J., Xiang, C. 2022. The influence of depositional processes in submarine canyon and distribution of gas chimneys on accumulation of gas hydrate in the Shenhu sea area, Northern South China Sea. Energies,

v He, J., Garzanti,E., Jiang, T., Barbarano, M., Resentini, A., Liu, E., Chen, S., Shi, G., Wang, H. 2022. Mineralogy and geochemistry of modern Red River sediments (North Vietnam): Provenance and weathering implications. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 92(12):1169-1185.

v Licheng Cao, Tao Jiang*, Jingke He. Fingerprinting sand from Asian rivers to the deep central South China Sea since the Late Miocene. GSA Bulletin, 2021, 133, 1964-1978.

v Cong Cheng, Tao Jiang*, Zenggui Kuang*, Jinfeng Ren, Jinqiang Liang, Hongfei Lai, Pengfei Xiong. Seismic characteristics and distributions of Quaternary mass transport deposits in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea. Marine and Petrolem Geology, 2021, 129: 105118.

v D. L. Harry, M. L. G. Tejada, E. Y. Lee, E. Wolfgring, C. C. Wainman, H.-J. Brumsack, B. Schnetger, J.-I. Kimura, L. Riquier, I. Borissova, R. W. Hobbs, T. Jiang, Y-X. Li, A. Maritati, M. Martinez, C. Richter, G. Tagliaro, and L. T. White. Evolution of the Southwest Australian Rifted Continental Margin During Breakup of East Gondwana: Results From International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 369. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2021, 10.1029/2020GC009144.

v Jakub Mateusz Miluch, Łukasz Maciąg, Andrzej Osadczuk, Jan Harff, Tao Jiang, Hongjun Chen, Ryszard Krzysztof Borówka, Kevin McCartney. Multivariate geostatistical modeling of seismic data: Case study of the Late Pleistocene paleodelta architecture (SW off-shore Hainan Island, South China Sea). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021.

v Maqsood Ur Rahman, Muhammad Hanif, Tao Jiang*, Sohail Wahid. Early Eocene orthophragminids from the Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan, and their biostratigraphic implication. Palaeoworld, 2021, 30: 176-198.

v Maqsood Ur Rahman, Muhammad Hanif, Tao Jiang, Sohail Wahid. Alveolinids from the Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan (Eastern Neo-Tethys): Systematic and biostratigraphic implications. Geological Journal, 2021, Doi:10.1002/gj.4119.

v Cong Cheng, Tao Jiang*, Zenggui Kuang, Chengzhi Yang, Cheng Zhang, Yunlong He, Zhen Cheng, Dongmei Tian, Pengfei Xiong. Characteristics of gas chimneys and their implications on gas hydrate accumulation in the Shenhu area, northern south China sea. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, 84: 103629.

v K.G. MacLeod, L.T.White, C.C.Wainman, M.Martinez, M.M. Jones, S.J. Batenburg, L. Riquier, S.J. Haynes, D.K.Watkins, K.A. Bogus, H.-J. Brumsack, R. do Monte Guerra, K.M. Edgar, T. Edvardsen, D.L. Harry, T. Hasegawa, R.W. Hobbs, B.T. Huber, T. Jiang, J. Kuroda, E.Y. Lee, Y.-X. Li, A.Maritati, L.K. O'Connor, M.R. Petrizzo, T.M. Quan, C. Richter, M.L.G. Tejada, G. Tagliaro, E.Wolfgring, Z. Xu. Late Cretaceous stratigraphy and paleoceanographic evolution in the Great Australian Bight Basin based on results from IODP Site U1512. Gondwana Research, 2020, 83: 80-95.

v Xiong, P., Harff, J., Xie, XN., Zhang, WY., Chen, HJ., Jiang, T., Chen, H., Miluch, J., Feldens, P., Osadczuk, A., Meng, QC., Zorita, E., Dudziriska-Nowak, J., Maciag, L . Modeling paleogeographic scenarios of the last glacial cycle as a base for source-to-sink studies: An example from the northwestern shelf of the South China Sea, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 203: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104542.

v Dongmei Tian, Tao Jiang*, Baojun Liu, Jun Liu, Zhongtao Zhang, Hui Xu, Cong Cheng. 2019. Early Miocene sedimentary processes and their hydrocarbon implications in the Baiyun sag of Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 101: 132-147.

v Jiang, T.*, Gao, H.F., He, J.K., Tian, D.M. 2019. Post-spreading volcanism in the central South China Sea: insights from zircon U-Pb dating on volcaniclastic breccia and seismic features. Marine Geophysical Research, 40: 185-198.

v Ming Su, Chihua Wu, Hui Chen, Dengfeng Li, Tao Jiang, Xinong Xie, Xiaoming Sun, Haijing Jiao, Zhenfeng Wang. 2019. Late Miocene provenance evolution at the head of Central Canyon in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 110: 787-796.

v Huber, B.T., Hobbs, R.W., Bogus, K.A., Batenburg, S.J., Brumsack, H.-J., do Monte Guerra, R., Edgar, K.M., Edvardsen, T., Garcia Tejada, M.L., Harry, D.L., Hasegawa, T., Haynes, S.J., Jiang, T., Jones, M.M., Kuroda, J., Lee, E.Y., Li, Y.-X., MacLeod, K.G., Maritati, A., Martinez, M., O’Connor, L.K., Petrizzo, M.R., Quan, T.M., Richter, C., Riquier, L., Tagliaro, G.T., Wainman, C.C., Watkins, D.K., White, L.T., Wolfgring, E., and Xu, Z., 2019. Expedition 369 summary. In Hobbs, R.W., Huber, B.T., Bogus, K.A., and the Expedition 369 Scientists. Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 369: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program). //

v Tao Jiang, Xiangjun Liu, Tao Yu, Yipan Hu. 2018. OSL dating of late Holocene coastal sediments and its implication for sea-level eustacy in Hainan Island, Southern China. Quaternary International, 468: 24-32.

v Yingci Feng, Wenhuan Zhan, Hongjun Chen, Tao Jiang, Jinchang Zhang, Andrzej Osadczuk, Yantao Yao, Wei Li, Jie Sun, Lei Guo, Wenkai Huang, Shun Li, Wenyan Zhang. 2018. Seismic characteristics and sedimentary record of the late Pleistocene delta offshore south-western Hainan Island, north-western South China Sea. Interpretation, 6(4):31-43.

v Gang Hu, Chao-Lu Yi, Jia-Fu Zhang, Guirong Cao, Baolin Pan, Jinhua Liu, Tao Jiang, Shuangwen Yi, Dehong Li, Jianwei Huang. 2018. Chronology of a lacustrine core in Linggo Co using a combination of OSL, 14C and 210Pb: implication for dating lacustrine sediments in Tibetan Plateau. Boreas, 47(2): 656-670.

v Caiwei Fan, Tao Jiang, Kun Liu, Jiancai Tan, Hu Li, Anqi Li. 2018. Genesis of Miocene lithostratigraphic trap and hydrocarbon accumulation in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea. Geoscience Letters, 5(1): 1-13.

v Shu Jiang, Hongliu Zeng, Lorena Moscardelli, Grant Wach, Flávio J. Feijó, Michael Gardosh, Tao Jiang, Hongtao Zhu, Sverre Henriksen, Sudeep Kanungo. 2018. Introduction to special section: Recent advances in geology and geophysics of deepwater reservoirs. Interpretation, 6(4): -2018- 0830-SPSEINTRO.1.

v Hu, G., Yi, C.L., Zhang, J.F., Dong, G.C., Liu, J. H., Xu, X. K., Jiang, T. 2017. Extensive glacial advances during the Last Glacial Maximum near the eastern Himalayan systaxis. Quaternary International, 443:1-12.

v Shao, L., Cao., L., Pang, X., Jiang, T., Qiao, P., Zhao, M. 2016. Detrital zircon provenance of the Paleogene syn-rift sediments in the northern South China Sea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17: 255-269.

v Hu, G., Yi, C.L., Zhang, J.F., Liu, J.H., Jiang, T., Li, S.H. 2016. Late Quaternary glacial advances in the eastern Qilianshan, north-eastern Tibet, as inferred from luminescence dating of fluvioglacial sediments. Journal of Quaternary Science, 31: 587-597.

v Jiang, T., Cao, L.C., Xie, X.N., Wang, Z.F., Li, X.S., Zhang, Y.Z., Zhang, D.J., Sun, H. 2015. Insights from heavy minerals and zircon U-Pb ages into the middle Miocene-Pliocene provenance evolution of the Yinggehai Basin, northwestern South China Sea. Sedimentary Geology, 327: 32-42.

v Cao, L.C.Jiang, T.*,Wang, Z.F, Zhang, Y.Z., Sun, H. 2015. Provenance of Upper Miocene sediments in the Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan basins, northwestern South China Sea: Evidence from REE, heavy minerals and zircon U-Pb ages.Marine Geology, 361: 136-146.

v Jiang, T., Xie, X. N., Chen, H., et al. 2015. Geochemistry of Pore Water and Associated Reactions in the Diapiric Area of YinggehaiBasin, Northern South China Sea. Journal of Earth Science, 26(3): 306-316.

v Hu, G., Yi, C.L., Zhang, J.F., Liu, J.H., Jiang, T. 2015. Luminescence dating of glacial deposits near the eastern Himalayan syntaxis using different grain-size fractions. Quaternary Science Reviews, 124: 124-144.

v Zhang, J.F., Feng, J.L., Hu, G., Wang, J.B., Yang, Y.B., Lin, Y.C., Jiang, T., Zhou, L.P. 2015. Holocene proglacial loess in the Ranwu valley, southeastern Tibet, and its paleoclimatic implications. Quaternary International, 372: 9-22.

v Li, CF, Li, J B, Ding, WW, Franke, D, Yao, Y J, Shi, H S, Pang, X, Cao, Y, Lin, J, Kulhanek, D K, Williams, T, Bao, R, Briais, A, Brown, E A , Chen, Y F, Clift, P D, Colwell, F S, Dadd, K A, Hernandez-Almeida, I, Huang, XL, Hyun, S, Jiang, T, Koppers, AAP, Li, QY, Liu, CL, Liu, QS, Liu, ZF, Nagai, RH, Peleo-Alampay, A, Su, X, Sun, Z, Tejada, MLG,,Trinh, HS, Yeh, YC, Zhang, CL, Zhang, F, Zhang, GL , Zhao, XX.2015. Seismic stratigraphy of the central South China Sea basin and implications for neotectonics. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 120:1377-1399. doi: 10.1002/2014JB011686.

v Wang, Z. F., Jiang, T.*, Zhang, D.J., Wang, Y.H., Zuo, Q.M., He, W.J. 2015.Evolution of deepwater sedimentary environments and its implication for hydrocarbon exploration in Qiongdongnan Basin, northwestern South China Sea. ActaOceanologicaSinica, 34(4):1-10.

v Jiang, T., Zhang, Y.Z., Tang, S.L., Zhang, D.J., Zuo, Q.M., Lin, W.R., Wang, Y.H., Sun, H., Wang, B. 2014. CFD simulation on the generation of turbidites in deepwater areas: a case study of turbidity current processes in Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33(12):127-137.

v Jiang, T., Tang, S.L., Xie, X.N., Wang, B. 2014. Numerical Simulation on Sedimentary Processes of Turbidity Current and its Applications on Reservoir Prediction in Qiongdongnan Basin, Northern South China Sea. In: Jianwen Yang eds. Basins: Methods of Formation, Ongoing Developments and Emerging Challenges. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York. 27-48.

v Hu,G., Yi, C.L., Zhang, J.F., Liu, J.H, Jiang, T., Qin, X. 2014.Optically stimulated luminescence dating of a moraine and a terrace in Laohugou valley, western Qilian Shan, northeastern Tibet.Quaternary International, 321: 37-49.

v Su, M., Xie, X.N., Xie, Y.H., Wang, Z.F., Zhang,C., Jiang, T.,He, Y.L. 2014.The segmentations and the significances of the Central Canyon System in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 79: 552-563.

v Li,C.F., Xu,X.,Lin,J.,Sun,Z., Zhu,J., Yao,Y.J., Zhao,X.X., Liu,Q.S., Kulhanek,D.K., Wang,J., Song,T.R., Zhao,J.F., Qiu,N., Guan,Y.X., Zhou,Z.Y., Williams,T., Bao,R., Briais,A., Brown,E.A., Chen,Y.F., Clift, P.D., Colwell,F.S., Dadd,K.A., Ding,W.W., Almeida,I.H., Huang,X.L., Hyun,S., Jiang, T., Koppers,A.A.P., Li,Q.Y., Liu,C.L., Liu,Z.F, Nagai,R.H., Alampay,A.P., Su,X., Tejada,M.L.G., Trinh,H.S., Yeh,Y.C., Zhang,C.L., Zhang, F., Zhang, G.L. 2014.Ages and magnetic structures of the South China Sea constrained by deep tow magnetic surveys and IODP Expedition 349. Gepchemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15: 4958-4983.

v Su, M., Zhang, C., Xie, X.N., Wang, Z.F.,Jiang, T., He, Y.L., Zhang, C.M. 2014.Controlling factors on the submarine canyon system: a case study of the Central Canyon System in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea.Science China: Earth Sciences, 57(10): 2457-2468.

v Jiang, T.,Xie, X.N., Wang, Z.F., Li, X.S.., Zhang, Y.Z., Sun, H. 2013. Seismic features and origin of sediment waves in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea.Marine Geophysical Research, 34(3): 281-294.

v Li, X.Q., Fairweather, L., Wu, S.G., Ren, J.Y., Zhang, H.J., Quan,X.Y., Jiang, T., Zhang, C., Su, M., He, Y.L., Wang, D.W. 2013.Morphology, sedimentary features and evolution of a large palaeo submarine canyon in Qiongdongnan basin, Northern South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 62: 685-696.

v Yao, Y.J., Yang, C.P.,Li, X.J.,,Ren, J.Y., Jiang, T., Tong, D.J., Han, B., Yin,Z.X., Xu, Q.Y. 2013. The seismic reflection characteristics and tectonic significance of the tectonic revolutionary surface of mid-Miocene (T-3 seismic interface) in the southern South China Sea. Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 56(4): 1274-1286.

v Pan, B.L, Yi, C.L, Jiang, T., Dong, G.C, Hu, G., Jin, Y. 2012. Holocene lake-level changes of Linggo Co in central Tibet. Quaternary Geochronology, 10: 117-122.

v Su, M., Xie, X.N., Li, J.L.,Jiang, T., et al. 2011.Gravity flow on slope and abyssal systems in the Qiongdongnan basin, Northern South China Sea. ActaGeologicaSinica (English Edition): 85(1): 243-253.

v Jiang, T., Zhang, Y. Z., Xie, X. N., et al. 2010.Characteristics and Origin of Sediment Waves in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea.Geo-Temas, 11: 193-194.

v Zhang, C., Li, J.L., Xie, X.N., Lu, Y.C., and Jiang, T. 2010. Depositional features and evolution patterns of the continental slope system in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea. Geo-Temas, 11: 191-192.

v E. Screaton, G. Kimura, D. Curewitz, G. Moore, F., F. Chester, O. Fabbri, C. Fergusson, F. Girault, D. Goldsby, R. Harris, F. Inagaki, T. Jiang, Y. Kitamura, M. Knuth, C. F. Li, L. C. Liljedahl, L. Louis, K. Milliken, U. Nicholson, N. Riedinger, A. Sakaguchi, E. Solomon, M. Strasser, X. Su, A. Tsutsumi, A. Yamaguchi, K. Ujiee and X. Zhao. 2009. Interactions between deformation and fluids in the frontal thrust region of the NanTroSEIZE transect offshore the Kii Peninsula, Japan: Results from IODP Expedition 316 Sites C0006 and C0007. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 10: 1-14.

v Tang, S.L., Ura, T., Nakatani, T., Thornton, B., Jiang, T. 2009. Estimation of the hydrodynamic coefficients of the complex-shaped autonomous underwater vehicle TUNA-SAND.Journal of Marine Science and Techbology, 14: 373-386.

v Xie, X.N., Müller, R.D, Ren, J.Y., Jiang, T., Zhang, C. 2008. Stratigraphic architecture and evolution of the continental slope system in offshore Hainan, northern South China Sea.Marine Geology, 247: 129-144.

v Jiang, T., Xie, X.N., Tang, S.L., Zhang, C., Du, X.B. 2007. Numerical simulation on the evolution of sediment waves caused by turbidity currents. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52 (17): 2429-2434.

v Jiang, T., Xie, X.N., Liu, X.F., Du, X.B. 2007. Diagenetic effects of high thermal overpressure in the Yinggehai basin, offshore South China Sea. In: Bullen& Wang (eds). Water-Rock Interaction. Taylor& Francis Group, London. 213-216.

v Zhang, C., Xie, X.N., Jiang, T., Liu, X.F. 2006. Hydrocarbon migration and accumulation along a long-term growth fault: Example from the BZ25-1 oilfield of Bohai basin, eastern China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 89: 460-464.

v Lu, Y.C., Xie, X.N., Jiang, T., Chen, P., Zhou, Y.Q. 2006. Sea level changes revealed by cosmic dusts:A pilot study of the Upper Permian reefs in Guizhou, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 89: 431-435.

v 姜涛*, 胡亦潘, 周从艳,. 2022. 海洋沉积物释光测年现状与展望.地质科技通报, 41(5): 31-54.

v 姜涛*, 陈慧, 孙启良, 田冬梅, 程聪. 2022. 南海深水沉积过程之未来大洋钻探目标. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 42(5)33-41

v 陈子归, 姜涛*, 匡增桂, 程聪, 熊鹏飞, 陈岳. 2022. 琼东南盆地天然气水合物与浅层气共生体系成藏特征. 地球科学, 47(5): 1619-1634.

v 熊鹏飞, 姜涛*, 匡增桂, 程聪, 任金锋, 赖洪飞, 2021. 琼东南盆地南部梅山组丘状体沉积特征及成因机制. 地质科技通报, 40(4): 11-21.

v 程聪,姜涛*,匡增桂,等.2019. 天然气水合物系统特征及其对我国水合物勘查的启示. 地质科技情报38(4): 30-40.

v 姜涛. 2018. 海底沉积物波的成因之争. 《一万个科学难题(海洋学卷)》. 北京:科学出版社. 543-545.

v 田冬梅, 姜涛*, 张道军, 左倩媚, 孙辉, 何小胡. 2017. 海底水道特征及其成因机制:以莺歌海盆地乐东区莺歌海组一段为例. 地球科学, 42(1): 130-141.

v 解习农, 林畅松, 李忠, 任建业, 姜涛, 姜在兴, 雷超. 2017. 中国盆地动力学研究现状及展望. 沉积学报, 35(5): 877-88.

v 孙辉, 姜涛*, 李春峰, 徐乐. 2014. 日本南海海槽斜坡盆地重力流沉积特征及其对俯冲构造的响应. 地球科学, 39(10): 1383-1394.doi: 1.3799/dqkx.2014.121.

v 余涛, 姜涛. 2014. 光释光测年技术在海洋沉积物研究中的应用现状与展望. 地质科技情报, 33(2): 38-44.

v 苏明, 姜涛, 张翠梅, 张成, 何云龙, 王振峰. 2014. 琼东南盆地中央峡谷体系东段形态-充填特征及其地质意义. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 44(6): 1805-1815.

v 曹立成, 姜涛*, 张道军, 孙辉. 2012. 琼东南盆地新近系重矿物分布特征及其物源指示意义.中南大学学报, 44(5): 1971-1981.

v 张娜, 姜涛*, 张道军. 2012. 琼东南盆地海底地形地貌特征及其对深水沉积的控制.海洋地质与第四纪地质, 32(5): 27-33.

v 解习农,姜涛,王华,陆永潮. 2006. 莺歌海盆地底辟带热流体突破的地层水化学证据. 岩石学报, 22(8): 1875-1880.

v 姜涛, 解习农. 2005. 莺歌海盆地高温超压环境下储层物性影响因素分析. 地球科学, 30(2): 215-220.

v 姜涛, 解习农, 汤苏林. 2005. 浊流形成条件的水动力学模拟及其在储层预测方面的作用. 地质科技情报, 24(2): 1-6.

v 姜涛, 解习农, 王华, . 2004. 琼东南盆地陆架陆坡体系沉积构成及其演化特征. : 李家彪, 高抒 主编, “中国边缘海形成演化系列研究丛书第三卷. 中国边缘海盆演化与资源效应. 北京: 海洋出版社. 132-138.

v 姜涛, 任建业. 2004. 基于盆地模拟技术的潮汕坳陷油气勘探前景预测. 海洋地质动态, 20(5): 20-27.

v 姜涛,解习农. 2003. 细粒浊积体的油气地质意义. 地质科技情报, 22(2): 51-55.

v 姜涛, 解习农. 2003. 细粒浊积体研究现状与展望. 地球学报, 24(3): 289-292.

v 姜涛, 解习农, 任建业, . 2001. 莺歌海盆地浊积体的形成背景及沉积特征. 地球科学, 26(Suppl.): 27-31.


Ø 《海洋调查技术与方法》(本科生)

Ø 《专业英语(海洋科学)》(本科生)

Ø 《海底矿产资源》(本科生)

Ø 《测井地质学》(本科生)

Ø 《海洋地质年代学》(硕士研究生)

Ø 《海洋地质新进展》(硕士研究生)

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Ø 《海洋构造》(硕士研究生)

Ø 《海洋科学前沿》(博士研究生)

Ø 《能源矿产理论和勘查前沿》(博士研究生)

Ø Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy》(留学生)


v 王龙樟,姜涛,王家生等. 2022. 《舟山地区海岸带地质调查实习指导书》,中国地质大学出版社.

v 杜学斌等. 2020.《海洋科学专业海上作业技能实训》,中国地质大学出版社.

v 杜学斌等. 2020.《北戴河海洋地质认识实习指导书》,中国地质大学出版社.

v 张成, 姜涛, 解习农, 吕万军. 2020.《海洋矿产资源》,中国地质大学出版社.

v 侍茂崇等. 2018. 高等院校海洋专业规划教材《海洋调查方法》,海洋出版社.

v 解习农, 任建业, 陆永潮, 庄新国, 姜涛, 张成, 杜学斌, 佟殿君. 2013. 《沉积盆地分析基础》. 武汉: 中国地质大学出版社.(编写第十三、十五章)

v 解习农, 李思田, 刘晓峰, 等著. 2006.《异常压力盆地流体动力学》. 武汉: 中国地质大学出版社.(编写第三、四章)

v 姜涛,任建业,郭秀蓉. 2013. 海洋科学专业本科生导师制探索与实践,中国地质教育,6-8.

v 姜涛,任建业,傅安洲. 2013. 地球系统科学中海洋科学专业创办的探索与实践. 海洋教育新进展,青岛:中国海洋大学出版社. 163-171.


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